Integrate Wordpress and RapidWeaver

This tutorial has been discontinued and replaced by my WP-Blog plugin.

Works with Wordpress 2.x, and RW >= v3.6

This is a tutorial for you who are running your own Wordpress blog hosted on the same server as your RapidWeaver-made site is located on. It will NOT work if you are using your Wordpress blog on another server. If you have your Wordpress blog hosted on another server you are probably better of to (or forced to) wrap your blog inside an iframe tag instead. Another option is of course Loghounds RapidBlog.

Another thing is that since the requirement for running Wordpress is that you have at least PHP and MySQL support on your server I assume that you understand that PHP support is needed also for this tutorial.
PS: If this tutorial helped you consider making a donation to support the work. All donations will be used for future updates of this tutorial and new tutorials. DS.