Contact form with CAPTCHA
This is an attempt to show how you can create your own contact form with CAPTCHA image verification to help minimize the amount of spam that hits your inbox. You should however be aware that by using image verification you are blocking visually impaired visitors from contacting you. There are also spam bots that can circumvent CAPTCHA images so by using image verification you have not permanently prevented spam.

The basics
If you have read the above text and/or the link provided about CAPTCHA you can continue reading the tutorial. The end result will be a contact form that looks like this:
Still reading? Then I just want to inform you that following this tutorial is not trivial. If you don't know anything about PHP, manually uploading files, creating remote directories, changing permissions on files, then this tutorial may not be for you.
The contact form is originally based on the one from RapidWeaver 3.2.1 but it has been extensively rewritten, although you can still recognize the skeleton. The contact form is so far completely spam free. Mostly due to the usage of CAPTCHA image verification but also because the form has been modified to disallow "header injection". The image verification code used in this tutorial is a piece of free software (LGPL license) that I found on
Note: This tutorial requires RapidWeaver 3.5 or newer and a webserver that supports PHP with sessions.
PS: If this tutorial helped you consider making a donation to support the work. All donations will be used for future updates of this tutorial and new tutorials. DS.