Någoting nytt…

[lang_en]…is growing on my Mac and is almost ready for release. It is a new plugin for RapidWeaver, and the first page style type plugin I am going to make available to the public. Before I release it I would like a few brave persons who are good at hunting bugs and giving feedback to try it out by participating in a private beta.

But before you jump the gun and send me an email asking to be part of the beta there is one small prerequisite to be choosen. This new plugin has been used for several pages on my site ever since the new design went live. It’s actually one of the most used page styles in the RapidWeaver project for this site. So to be part in the betatest you have to name one page on my site that is created using this new plugin. If you can also guess the name of the plugin your place on the list is rock-solid 🙂

The plugin will be ready for betatest within a week so start figuring out where it has been used and send me an email.[/lang_en]
[lang_sv]…växer på min Mac och är snart färdigt att släppas. Det är ett nytt plugin för RapidWeaver, och det första pluginet som jag tänker släppa publikt som är en ”sidtyp”. Men innan jag släpper det så skulle jag vilja ha några tappra själar som är bra på att jaga buggar och ge återkoppling att pröva det i en privat beta.

Men innan du trycker på knappen och skickar ett mail till mig och ber att få vara med i betatesten så är det en liten sak som krävs för att få vara med. Det här nya pluginet har använts på ett flertal av sidorna på min hemsida ända sedan den fick det nya utseendet. Det är faktiskt en av dom mest använda sidtyperna i RapidWeaver projektet för den min hemsida. Så för att få vara med i betatesten vill jag att du anger namnet på en sida som har skapats med det här pluginet. Kan du dessutom gissa namnet så kommer du definitivt med 🙂

Pluginet kommer att vara klart för betatest inom en vecka så börja gissa vilken/vilka sidor som det gäller och skicka ett mail till mig.[/lang_sv]

Comments (6)

6 kommentarer till “Någoting nytt…

  1. Jim Million skriver:

    I think you have used your plugin on most of your pages on your site! ONe is the STore page to name just one…. And the name of the plugin is probably something like (Sidebar Boxes)

    I would like to be on your beat list!



  2. nilrog skriver:

    Nope, it’s not the store page. That one is made with Carousel and the sidebar boxes are some nice css snippets from Warrender.

    But you are the first to guess so i’ll add you to the list 🙂

  3. Larry Elchuck skriver:

    I’ll go with the Yampp page. This (and other pages) show the drill-down page navigation that the author (you) want to be shown. It is displayed as a submenu above your side blocks. In most cases the pages are in subfolders of the current page. Whether they are picked up automatically, I’m not sure. The Contact Us link on the support page is not in the support folder, so it appears as an anomaly …. might be manually entered

    The maim menu itself shows folder/index files that occur at the root level

    Might be called PageNav (from looking at the code)


  4. nilrog skriver:

    Nope, that’s part of the theme (split navigation). But you are closer 🙂 One of the pages in the Yampp category is made with this plugin.

    But you are added to the list for beeing closer 🙂

  5. Peter Ulrich skriver:

    My guess is that you use this plugin for the download pages. It may be called flexiblelist …


  6. nilrog skriver:

    Hey, we got a winner 🙂

    You have found one type of page that I used the new plugin on and who knows, maybe you also nailed the name…within a few days we will know 😉

    To give you all an idea of something else you can do with this plugin you can look for my FAQ pages also.

    That’s it for now. The list of testers will close within a day or two while I prepare something for you all to test.

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