Gone flying…
This is just a post informing you about a short interrupt in responding to support issues.
I will be unable to handle support request for about 1 week starting today. If you have urgent issues I recommend that you try asking in the RapidWeaver community forums. There are lots of helpful people there that might be able to assist you with your problem.
Temporary site downtime
This site will be down for a while due to a server move. I decided to take this route instead of keeping the old site running to make the actual transfer easier.
I will try to keep the downtime as short as possible but it may take as long as a couple of days to get everything up and running again.
Support will hopefully still be possible through email as I will keep that route open. But if you have problems getting through you can also try contacting me on twitter.
Gone fishing…
Not exactly but it was a fun headline 🙂
This is just a post informing you about the current delay in responding to support issues.
For a while now I have not been able to
answer support requests as quick as I want. And this situation will remain for several more weeks.
The reason for this is that me and my family are moving to a new house which we have been building for a while. Between my dayjob and finishing this house there is not much time left for support unfortunately. But I do my best to prioritize the requests by putting purchase questions on top of the queue followed by urgent setup requests The other requests will be handled when time permits and that is mostly time consuming and hard to trackdown problems.
But rest assured that all these requests will be handled, at the very latest when we have finished moving which is in June. Until then I hope you can oversee that there are some delays for your requests.
Away on businesstrip
I will be away for a quick 3 day business trip starting tomorrow 8/2. If I can get access to WiFi during the trip I will be able to handle limited support during these days (and I will prioritize license problems). If I can’t find a WiFi spot all support issues will have to wait until I’m back in the middle of the week.
Borta på affärsresa…
[lang_en]I’m going to be away on a business trip most of September and October and for obvious reason I will not be able to respond so quickly to any questions you send by mail etc. But I will try to scan my mailbox daily. If you haven’t recieved any answer within a week feel free to remind me :)[/lang_en]
[lang_sv]Jag kommer att vara bortrest i jobbet större delen av September och Oktober och kommer följdaktligen inte att kunna svara lika snabbt på eventuella frågor via mail m.m.. Men jag kommer att försöka kolla min mailbox dagligen. Har ni inte fått ett svar inom en vecka så påminn mig gärna :)[/lang_sv]
Skicka filer till mig
[lang_sv]Jag har utökat mitt kontaktformulär så att det nu är möjligt att skicka filer till mig.[/lang_sv]
[lang_en]I have extended my contact form so that it is possible to send files to me.[/lang_en]