Summer vacation
It’s time for the summer holiday starting today during the next two weeks. This means that I will not be able to handle support issues as quckly as I normally do.
If you have urgent issues getting one of my plugins to behave properly please try and ask in Realmac Software’s excellent support forum.
I will try to handle license issues during my vacation but the response time may be a little longer.
Away on vacation for a week
I will be away for short one week holiday starting tomorrow. During this period I will most likely not be able to handle any support or license issues since i’m running this by myself. If you have urgent issues getting one of my plugins to behave properly please try and ask in Realmac Software’s excellent support forum. There are many knowledgable gurus there that might be able to help you out until i’m back. For license issues I hope you can wait until the first weekend in May when i’m back again. Until then I won’t be able to do anything.
Away on businesstrip
I will be away for a quick 3 day business trip starting tomorrow 8/2. If I can get access to WiFi during the trip I will be able to handle limited support during these days (and I will prioritize license problems). If I can’t find a WiFi spot all support issues will have to wait until I’m back in the middle of the week.
New store and price
I have decided to make some changes to my store and the way your orders are handled. Until now I have only relied on PayPal to do the processing. And while it has been working flawlessly there are some limitations to such a setup. Therefor I have decided to add E-Junkie to the process. This will give me some added benefits and it should also make your shopping experience better. At least when my next plugin WP-Blog also becomes available for purchase.
Since I have switched to E-Junkie I have also decided to change my pricing to US-Dollar only. So the sole new price for @stash will be $9.95.
Christmas vacation & the end of 2008
It’s the time of the year that we all long for every year, Christmas & New Year. I will be away for the rest of the year and will not be able to repond to support enquieries on a regular basis. So if you have sent me an email you might not receive a response until the beginning of 2009.
And don’t forget the Christmas promotion i’m running together with Watch their screencast about @stash, get a discount when you purchase @stash, and when you have purchased @stash you get another discount if you want to become a member @
And now over to…
WordPress + iPhone
[lang_en]Today I installed an amazing app on my iPhone, WordPress for iPhone. It’s a free app that allows you to post to any WordPress blog, self-hosted or on It has support for tags, categories, photos etc. and allows you to store local drafts and preview within the app itself. And did I mention that it is free? Now I just have to go back into my lab for a while…
PS: This was posted using this app on the road. DS.[/lang_en]
[lang_sv]I dag installerade jag ett fantastiskt litet program på min iPhone som heter WordPress for iPhone. Det är ett gratisprogram som ger dig möjlighet att skriva inlägg i din WordPress blogg, oavsett om den är installerad på din egen server eller om du har den på Programmet har stöd för taggar, kategorier, bilder m.m. och du kan spara utkast och förhandsgranska direkt i programmet. Förresten, nämnde jag att det är gratis? Det var allt, nu är det dags att krypa tillbaka i labbet en stund…
PS: Det här inlägget postades från min iPhone. DS.[/lang_sv]
Grabben, var är du?
[lang_en]Some of you may have wondered where the heck I disappeared to so suddenly a few weeks ago. Some people have sent me questions by mail that have not been answered and i’m currently going through the backlog to see if there is anything I have missed. The reason behind my sudden disappearance is simple…[/lang_en]
[lang_sv]Undrar ni vart tusan jag tog vägen när jag försvann så plötsligt för några veckor sedan? En del har skickat frågor till mig via mail som inte har blivit besvarade och jag går för närvarande igenom min mailbox för att se om jag har missat någonting. Anledningen till mitt försvinnande är enkelt…[/lang_sv]
Internetproblem mellan USA och Sverige
[lang_en]Since a few days internet access from Sweden to certain webservers in the US is gone. I can as an example not access (which is a great Cocoa resource on the web) and many other sites as well due to this.
Everything boils down to a conflict between Telia and Cogent. Two companies arguing about a business agreement and we are now suffering from this… I’m not blaming one of them for this as it takes two to tango but searching at Google for Cogent doesn’t bring up a nice picture.[/lang_en]
[lang_sv]Sedan några dagar har internet accessen från Sverige till vissa webbservrar i USA varit nere. Jag kan t.ex. inte komma åt (vilket är en väldigt bra Cocoa referens) och många andra hemsidor.
Allt grundar sig på en konflikt mellan Telia och Cogent. Två företag som bråkar om en affärsuppgörelse som vi nu får lida för… Jag säger inte att ett visst företag för detta eftersom det krävs två för att bråka. Men om man söker på Google efter Cogent så är det inte en snygg historik.[/lang_sv]
Liten prisjustering för @stash
[lang_en]The pricetag for @stash in USD has been updated as I gave notice on before christmas. It’s not a big change, going from $8.95 to $9.95, and is due to a falling exchange rate for USD vs. Euro.[/lang_en]
[lang_sv]Priset för @stash i dollar har ändrats som jag antydde strax före jul. Det är ingen stor prisjustering, från $8.95 till $9.95, och beror på en fallande dollarkurs jämfört mot Euro.[/lang_sv]
Ännu ett år
[lang_en]2007 is coming to it’s end and it has been a spectacular and interesting year and I know 2008 will be even more spectacular :)[/lang_en]
[lang_sv]2007 närmar sig sitt slut och det har varit ett spektakulärt och intressant år och jag vet att 2008 kommer att bli ännu mer spektakulärt :)[/lang_sv]