
State of the union…and RapidWeaver 6

Realmac Software has announced that RapidWeaver 6 will be made available on October 21st next week.

RapidWeaver 6 is a big leap forward and it will allow a lot of new magic stuff to be done. When it comes to third-party plugins this release requires new version of plugins to be released. Existing plugins will not work with RapidWeaver 6. But there will be a migration path for plugins so that existing plugins for RapidWeaver 5 will be migrated over to RapidWeaver 6 upon first launch, if the old plugins supports that.

I have been working for some time to update my plugins for RapidWeaver 6 and here is my status:

  • WP-Blog is almost ready. A new version for RapidWeaver 5 that supports migration will be available before the release of RapidWeaver 6.
  • @stash is currently work in progress. I will do my best to be ready before the release of RapidWeaver 6. But I cannot guarantee that it will be ready for the launch of RapidWeaver 6.
  • FlexibleList and High-Light have not yet been updated and I have still not decided if they will be updated.

So please stay tuned and watch this blog and my Twitter account for latest news about my plugins.

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FlexibleList v1.2.2

When I was working on a future release of FlexibleList I stumbled upon a bug. To be more precise it was a memoryleak. Since this future version is a long way from beeing finished and I don’t want my software out there for a long time with known bugs I have prepared…


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Some new styles for FlexibleList

I had some fun a while back playing with FlexibleList and created some new styles, partly on user request. But I never got around to actually adding them to my site until today. They are quite simple but still useful so they are now available on the example page for you to download. They all involve displaying images with a description and works without any special tricks to add the image to FlexibleList.

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FlexibleList v1.2.1

A recent issue arose that pointed out a bug in FlexibleList. It was found when I released a small update to the Tabifier style for FlexibleList and I got a report that the style was not OK. After looking into it I quickly discovered that the style was in fact OK but instead it was a bug in the all so important ”Import style” option in FlexibleList.

Therefor I have now released…

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Tabifier for FlexibleList updated

The ”Tabifier” example style for FlexibleList has been updated with a small CSS fix. It fixes an issue with images in items that have been ”aligned” in RW which could be breaking out of the tabbed container.

This fix will be included in the next FlexibleList update. But until then you can
grab the updated style now.

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FlexibleList v1.2

[lang_en]It’s been a while since I posted something about FlexibleList. It didn’t even get mentioned around the release of RapidWeaver 4.0 because FlexibleList worked just fine without needing an update. So I thought, why don’t I release a new version now instead 🙂

This update doesn’t add so much new big functionality or features. Instead the focus has once again been on adding valuable features, no matter how small or big they are.
[lang_sv]Det var ett tag sedan jag skrev någonting om FlexibleList. Det blev inte ens någonting när RapidWeaver 4.0 släpptes därför att FlexibleList behövde inte uppdateras för att det skulle fortsätta fungera. Så jag tänkte för mig själv, varför släpper jag inte en ny version nu istället 🙂

Den här uppdateringen innehåller inte så många nya stora funktioner. I stället så har fokus återigen legat på att lägga till värdefulla funktioner, oavsett storlek.[/lang_sv]

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Två nya stilexempel för FlexibleList

[lang_en]I have uploaded two new example styles for FlexibleList today. Well, one was kind of old (Odd/Even) it’s just that I had forgotten to add it as a downloadable file.

The really new example is Two Columns which shows you how to basically create a two column table. But it’s not a real HTML table. All is done with CSS and you can adjust the width of the leftmost column in the CSS.

Go have a look and download them if you think they may come in handy somewhere.[/lang_en]
[lang_sv]Jag har lagt upp två nya stilexempel för FlexibleList idag. Ett exempel är visserligen inte helt nytt (Odd/Even) det var bara det att jag hade glömt att lägga upp den nerladdningsbara filen.

Det verkligen nya exemplet är Two Columns som visar hur ni kan skapa en tvåkolumnstabell. Fast det är inte en riktig HTML tabell. Allt är gjort med CSS och ni kan justera bredden på den vänstra kolumnen i CSS:en.

Ta en titt och ladda hem dom om du tror att dom kan komma till nytta någonstans.[/lang_sv]

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FlexibleList v1.1

It’s time for a major update to FlexibleList today that extends it’s flexibility even further. You are now able to create styles complete with javascript and images, and put information directly in the page header etc.

The custom variables are now supported in almost every editable field in FlexibleList. There are still some limitations but if a variable isn’t supported it will not be converted so your should be able to easily see if it worked or not.

The UI has also seen it’s share of evolution, although it may not always be so obvious. If you feel that the item list or the content fields are too small when you are editing them you can now collapse the part of the splitview that you don’t want to see. Just drag the splitter towards the end that you want to hide and it will go away until you drag it back. FlexibleList also has full support for drag&drop between projects and copy&paste of items.

Just to get you started with the new styles I have bundled two updated styles with FlexibleList, Smooth Scroll and Tabifier. These styles have been updated and are now fully standalone so you just have to apply the styles to your page and they will work (unless there are some javascript conflict with other scripts on your page/theme). There is no longer any need to manually add the needed javascripts to the FlexibleList page.

If you want to now more about what has changed go and read the changelog. And be sure to read the user manual as it has been updated with this release.

FlexibleList continues to be donationware and requires RapidWeaver 3.5.x and OS X 10.3.9.

Go grab your copy now…

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FlexibleList v1.0.2

FlexibleList has just been updated to v1.0.2. This release contains a few bugfixes and one new feature. The changelog has all the details on the changes in this release so be sure to check it out.

So what is the new feature? Ever heard of a plugin called Blocks? 😉

If you have updated Blocks to v3.1.1 you should notice that your FlexibleList pages can now be used in pageblocks. There is unfortunately one thing that doesn’t play so nice with Blocks but it’s out of my control to fix it so check the user manual for a workaround.

Download the update and enhance your RapidWeaver experience 🙂

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Uppdatering av Tabifier

[lang_en]The ”Tabifier” example style for FlexibleList has been updated with some IE related fixes to the CSS. The original style example had some redrawing problems with our ”favorite” webbrowser…

If you have downloaded ”Tabifier” before go grab the update now.[/lang_en]
[lang_sv]”Tabifier” stilen för FlexibleList har uppdaterats med några IE relaterade fixar för CSS:en. Den ursprungliga stilen hade lite problem med vår ”favorit” läsare…

Om du har laddat hem ”Tabifier” förut gå då och hämta uppdateringen nu.[/lang_sv]

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